Write Runescape Guide and Win 10M RS Gold!
Write Runescape Guide and Win 10M RS Gold!
Usfine is collecting Runescape Guides from our customers.
If you are very good at playing Runescape and able to write good Runescape guides, please send your game guides to [email protected].
We will read your game guide very carefully and pulish it in Runescape Game Guides Part on Usfine Forum
Every week, we will pick one guide which has got most views and reward the writter 5-10M RS Gold.
Please note the game guides you send to us must be originally written by yourself, we will not accept the guides copied or rewritten from other players’ works.
Do not hesitate! Just start writing! Many Players are waitting for you! Free RS Gold is waiting for you!
Usfine All Rights Reserved.

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