Runescape woodcutting fast leveling

Usfine Date: Oct/04/13 12:47:42 Views: 4243

Woodcutting fast leveling

Before start training, get Bronze- rune axe prepared.

Level 1-6: use Iron Axe, cut normal tree, recommend place: DraynorVillage

Woodcutting fast leveling

Level 6-15:use black axe or steel axe keep cutting normal tree,

Level 15-21: start to cut Oak Tree at DraynorVillage,

Or you can cut oak tree at varrock:

Woodcutting fast leveling

Level 21-31: change axe to mithril

Level 31-41: Adamant Axe, and start to cut willow tree, 3 places for you to cut:

1, DraynorVillageWoodcutting fast leveling there are 6 willow trees here.

2, Crafting GuildWoodcutting fast leveling there are 8 willow trees here.

3, Rimmington Woodcutting fast levelingthere are 5 willow trees here.

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