Runescape News: Resizable Game Window

Usfine Date: Oct/04/13 12:49:00 Views: 3271

Resizable Game Window

We have introduced a new and optional way of viewing RuneScape HD: a resizable game window. This feature is available to both free players and members.

The new feature will adjust your RuneScape HD game window to fit the size of your browser. So, if you expand or maximise your browser, your game window will expand too, filling all of the available space. If you reduce the size of your browser, your game window will reduce with it.

This feature is completely optional. You may activate or deactivate it via the Graphics Options, either on the login screen or in-game (accessed via the spanner icon).

The resizable game window is only available for RuneScape HD. It is not available for the RuneScape version of the game.

How does this differ from fullscreen?

The main difference is that fullscreen will completely fill your screen. It will do so if your browser is minimised, maximised or anywhere inbetween. The resizable feature allows you to view the RuneScape game at whatever size you want - just reduce or increase the size of your browser and the game window will follow.

When playing RuneScape HD using the resizable game window, your interfaces will be arranged in the manner as fullscreen mode. This means that your tabs will be arranged across the bottom of the game screen.

Unlike fullscreen, the resizable game window is available to both free players and members.

Note: If you have a slow computer and you make the resizable window very large, you may find the game slows down a bit. If this happens, just make the window a bit smaller or, if you prefer, turn it off using the Graphics Options menu.

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