Runescape News: Jagex Store and RuneScape Novel

Usfine Date: Oct/04/13 12:49:14 Views: 3105

In the coming months, you can expect a lot from the Jagex Store. Plans are afoot to bring you a range of RuneScape merchandise to buy, including many that you voted for in the 'Shop till you Drop' poll.

One of these items is available for pre-order now: the first ever official RuneScape novel, Betrayal at Falador by T.S. Church. This fantasy epic opens with the discovery of a mysterious woman, found close to death within the walls of Falador Castle. Sir Amik and the White Knights are determined to reveal the identity of her attacker, thought to be a monster seen attacking travellers on the outskirts of Asgarnia. The question is: can the monster really be the blacksmith Doric, newly arrived from Keldagrim?

This Limited Edition hardback is available for pre-order now, and will be released on the 21st of July. Visit the Jagex Store to find out more, and keep an eye out for more news on available RuneScape merchandise.

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