Runescape News: 22 New RuneScape Worlds
Recently, we launched 22 new worlds to cater for player growth in Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Mexico, Netherlands and New Zealand. The 22 new worlds also host many of our popular activities, such as Barbarian Assault, Castle Wars, Clan Wars, Fist of Guthix, LootShare, Pest Control, F2P trade, TzHaar Fight Pits and Vinesweeper.
More worlds will be added as we expand into more countries. Please visit the Themed World page for information on themes of these new worlds.
Mother's Day Party Room season one & two are done!
Well to celebrate Mother's Day we had a Party Room drop. This was very successful and had a lot of players join. On the 9th of May at around 8PM(GMT -8) we dropped around 50M of GP, Items &am...
Milestone in the development of runescape gold market
Milestone in the development of RuneScape gold market Recall the ways I have go through, I feel deeply. Especially for Runescape, at the very beginning I am lack of understanding. But I got fa...
The first part for Thanksgiving
After research, in order to return the majority of Runescape customers who are supporting of USFINE,our company decided to hold a party at party room in world 97 in Runescape at USA Central Time of...
The Seventh part for Thanksgiving Day are coming now!
The Seventh part for Thanksgiving Day are coming now! The Seventh part for Thanksgiving Day are coming now!It will be hold at party room in world 66 in Runescape at USA Central Time of 20:00 30th,...
Happy Halloween Points Exchange and Lucky Draw System
Happy Halloween Points Exchange 1.Exchange Introduction Halloween is coming, in order to thank all of our customers, Usfine has chosen a number of products for you to exchange. Our po...
Runescape News: Meeting History
Having helped Jorral in Making History, it's time to pay him another visit in Meeting History. He's been busy digging around old and dusty manuscripts and has come across a set of interes...