How to remove the recovery question in runescape
When people selling Runescape accounts, the buyer need account has no recovery question, but there are too many people don’t know how to remove the recovery question. And for new recovery question set will take 14 days waiting, but how to make the recovery question cancelled by 2 hours? This is the guide for you:
First of all, visit home page of runescape, choose “account management”, and click “Recover password”, type your character name, then submit. The page will direct you to this picture:
Be sure you will choose “Recover Stolen Password”, with the coming step; you must fill all correct and full information for helping you to appeal successfully. Jagex will take about 2 hours to deal with your appeal, once the status is accepted, then congratulations to you that Recovery question has been deleted! If the status is denied, that means Jagex doesn’t take your appeal. For making appeal successfully, you need to provide information as much as you can, especially member subscription details. That makes successful rate higher!

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