How to make money by fishing in runescape

Usfine Date: Oct/04/13 12:48:13 Views: 3822

Before we start training Fishing, be sure you have fishing implement.
Go to Port Sarim’s fishing shop, get a small fishing net(most players have it since you create account), 1 fishing rod(for 5 fishing level), 1 fishing rod (for 20 fishing level), Fishing bait (about 250 amount), Feather (about 650 amount), 1 cage. Tip: you d better buy 2 fishing rod, as the rod could be taken away by big fish during fishing.

Now let’s start training:
For fishing 1-20 training, the best place for you is “Draynor Village”, because the bank is there for you can banking all your fish, use small net till you get fishing level 5, and then you can use fishing rod, be sure you take baits. Keep fishing till you get fishing level 20.

For fishing 20-40 training, the best place for you is Lumbridge, as we all know, you can get sardine and trout which get better fish experience for you, and you can bank all fish on the third floor on Lumbridge Castle. Keep fishing here till you get fishing level 40

Congratulations to you that you get fishing level 40, you may catch lobster now! Go to Musa Point of Karamja by talking to captain, the position of captain is in Port Sarim near Fishing shop, you need to pay 30 coins to captain for each transferring fee. (Each Back and forth cost you 60 coins) When you arrive at Karamja, you will see Banana garden, go across the garden, you will see the destination, many people catching lobsters on this place. For each raw lobster, you can sell for 333 gold, lobsters will help you improve much fishing skill experience, what a big deal! The disadvantage here is if you want to bank the lobster, you have no place to deposit unless you ship back! But if you are member account, I strongly recommend you a better place, which is Catherby city, members can catch lobster near bank, and each Back and forth only take 10 seconds!


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