Players around the world are eager to find out the release date of the upcoming "Elder Scrolls 6 or a Skyrim 2", however, there are still no official dates but rumours suggest ‘Elder Scrolls 6 or a Skyrim 2' game is pointed to a release date of sometime in 2016-2017.

Players are expecting an entirely new sequel that will raise the stakes for what RPGs should be. The reason for this is due to the developer's previous titles that have all garnered critical acclaims and positive reviews from Players and critics alike. The latest game that was released by the company was the open world role playing game, "Fallout 4" which was received very well by majority of players.


The same elements are expected for the upcoming sequel, which might end up as the new "Elder Scrolls" title. For one thing, the open world sandbox element of the older titles will most likely be incorporated into the new game as it was the single most praised element of the last installments. Players fully enjoyed the ability to choose how they will be going through the games with no apparent set path in order to reach the campaign's conclusion. There were also a lot of voluntary side missions that Players may or may not choose to do.


For now, Bethesda is expected to make a big announcement during the upcoming 2016 Electronic Entertainment Expo event. The company may reveal some additional information regarding the status of the game's development. If so, it would mean that Players might be getting their hands on "The Elder Scrolls 6" sooner rather than later.