Tree of Savior Produkt

Nachrichten und Führer
How to find World Boss Locations in Tree of Savior

World Boss was casually come out in Tree of Savior and hard to find. The passage will advise the location the World Boss will came out, which will reduce the time you find them.

Tree of Savior's Review in Control and Trading

Tree of Savior is a RPG game, so, control and trading are significant in this game. The passage is mainly talking about the two aspects.

How to Take Request for Server Transfers in Tree of Savior?

IMC has announced that they now taking requests for server transfers. Here are 5 steps to send in your request:

Tree of Savior has Updated Its Known Issues

Until now, Tree of Savior has updated its known issues. IMC know the issues some players are experiencing while log into the game. Please try below ways to solve the issues and IMC will continuely to update the issues.

Tree of Savior Added Guild Battles

IMC has posted an article of interest to players. The news is that guild battles have been added to the game that allow different servers to engage in PvP fights for victory. These battles take place twice a day and guilds can achieve leaderboard ranks as a result.

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