The Secrets That Top Pkers Would Not Let You Know
The secrets that one should know to become top player killer of the game. by kartikey Do you wanna kill other players to get rich? Or you lost everything? Wasted millions and got nothing excep...

RuneScape: Want to Try It?
by kingnmber2 A persuasive article to get you to join RuneScape. Note: I do not own, or claim to have any afflictions with RuneScape. I just love advertising for it. Runescape is one of the grea...

Runescape Smithing Guide (f2p/p2p)
This guide shows you how to reach smithing 99 in different ways. Published by Asko O. Table of Contents Smithing Guide Smithing Dictionary Introduction to the Smithing Guide Basics of Smithi...

RuneScape: How to Handle Beggars
Tips on handling beggars in RuneScape. Published by ThunderBolt I’m sure you’ve come across the “need money pl0x” or the “can you give me item X please?” I have some tips to easily g...

How to Properly Run the Ape Atoll Course
Tips on the RuneScape Ape Atoll Agility course. Published by ThunderBolt The Ape Atoll Agility course is one of the most famous courses in Runescape. Many people (well monkey’s, actually…) u...

How to Train Combat Fast in RuneScape
A guide telling what to kill and train on in RuneScape to get the best experience or money. Published by Qiangqiang Combat skills are some of the most trained on Runescape, even though the other...

Guide to a RuneScape Pure
This guide is what you need to know, with training tips for attack, strength, magic,range, slayer, thieving and any other skills you will need to become an elite pure.Published by rangedboy9 Ran...

Range Training on RuneScape
Places where you should train to get your range level up. Published by jperry From level 3 to 15 train on chickens, goblins, and cows which are all located in Lumbridge. There are 2 cow fields y...

RuneScape: Avoid Merchanting Clans
Why you should avoid Merchant Clans in RuneScape. Published by ThunderBolt Many people see Merchanting Clans as a great way to make money! Sometimes, it is. I won’t lie, you can make millions...

RuneScape Combat Guide
An excellent guide for people who just started RuneScape. Published by taijin Hello All! This is the second guide I’ve published, and I hope you all like it!!! This combat guide will teach yo...

RuneScape 99 Strength Pure Guide P2p
RuneScape 99 strength guide for pures from 1-99 for p2p players. Published by Dibs2 First off, finish the tutorial and sell all of the items you get from the tutorial at the grand exchange. With...

Best Runes-Dropping Monsters in F2p RuneScape
About the best monsters to kill in F2P RuneScape to get runes from. It also contains tips and suggestions on how to kill the monsters. Published by Hellen Have you ever wanted to get runes but d...