The powerful professional equipment for non-member

Usfine Datum: Oct/04/13 12:47:50 Ansichten: 3878

warrior- rune full helm, rune berserker shield, rune platebody, rune platelegs, rune scimitar, rune gauntlet, amulet of power, any boots/cape

ranger- maple shortbow, green d hide chaps/body/coif/vamb, adamant arrows, amulet of power

mage- staff,combat/druidic robe, amulet of power

The following are the equipment that I love best (just I love best, not necessarily the best, but it was a good all-round fighting), it can be your reference.

head:rune full helmet(g)
body:green dragonhide body(g)
leg:green dragonhide legs(g)
neck:amulet of power
left hand:rune kiteshield(g)
right hand:rune scimitar
Quiver:adamant arrows
feet:the fancy boot
Ring:I do not wear rings, as useless

Additional a maple shortbow in bag, bow need to be replaced at any time when the shooting.

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